Ecstatic Dance was born in Big Island (Hawaii), under the inspiration of a facilitator of 5 rhythms Gabrielle Roth. Today is extended in much of the US, especially in California, and most European capitals.

Ecstatic Dance sessions are not based on a class or a technique, but in creating a space where you can be yourself, express yourself through dance and music, giving freedom of action and movement to the body. It has no goals or structures, having only a guideline: not to communicate verbally. Freedom and this simple guideline promote other types of spontaneous communication, such as play, laughter, contact or spiritual connection. Through free expression and conscious movement energy expands and creativity is activated at all times.

The music is a collage of various rhythms from around the world that make us float together as individuals in a large family in a sea of sensations. It is a suitable context for the joy and enjoyment without the inconvenience of nightclubs, such as schedules, space, smoke and alcohol. Ecstatic Dance is a suitable experience for all kinds of people, it does not require any knowledge or experience in dance.

Ecstatic Dance session begins with a brief explanation of the session and a warm up. The music session and free movement, inspired by the mutual connection between DJ and participants, lasts about two to three hours. At the end of the session a circle to share is created with all participants.

DJ ALBERT PALA / ecstatic dance bcn
Music: Metrix by Masala / Ofir J. Rock